Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I think this guy is making fun of me and all the things I hold dear. That is so not cool.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Since I've been laid up from my knee surgery, I have had plenty of time to catch up on some hot gossip! For instance, Jack Nicholson has been scaring Leonardo Di Caprio on the set of their new film, The Departed which is directed by Martin Scorsese.

If Leo’s so scared of Jack, he better keep his youthful little paws of Jack’s Lakers tickets. Just sayin’.

Here’s what happened, and it’s still not all too clear from this Starpulse article, but it looks like Jack Nicholson has been menacing Leonardo Di Caprio on the set of their movie all in the sake of good acting. Just your average legendary actor picking on the young kid actor with some matches and whiskey.

Given this is Jack, it’s not all that surprising.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Is this Japanese Elvis?

No, it's actually the world champion air guitarist of 2006, Japan's Ochi "Dainoji" Yosuke.

If only the Air Guitar World Championships had been around when I was younger, I would have totally ditched band camp for this! The American contestant, Craig "Hot Lixx Hulahan" Billmeier, came in at number 6 in the competition. According to the website, the meaning of being an air guitarist is to "surrender to the music without having an actual instrument." That's the meaning of what we do here at the Peak all the time!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Rosie on the View....Katie on the pm you like? do you care? do you have a quarter I could borrow?

the "good" voice and "Bad" voice I have talking to me all the time

I am absolutely in awe of this! Such talent!

My only talent is...let me get back to you on that!